Why now is the right time to sell on the Atlantic Seaboard

After a slow start to the year, the wider South African property market really came into its own towards the second half of 2024. However, this wasn't the case for the Atlantic Seaboard. Instead, our slice of Cape Town has been booming all throughout the year, and while this has made it more difficult to secure a property in the area, it's also put potential sellers in the area in an excellent position.

Here's why it's a great time to sell in the Atlantic Seaboard:

Seller's Market Conditions: As we've already mentioned above, the demand for properties on the Atlantic Seaboard continues to significantly exceed supply, and this imbalance provides an excellent opportunity for you as a seller. Properties in the Atlantic Seaboard are currently regularly selling at and above asking prices. According to StatsSA, Cape Town property growth beats the rest of the country by a large margin, as prices have surged by 30% over the past five years, and likely even more so in the Atlantic Seaboard.

Luxury Market Performance: Typically, luxury properties sit on the market for much longer than more reasonably-priced properties, as there are simply remarkably more buyers in the market. However, right now, everyone wants a piece of the Atlantic Seaboard, including international buyers and high-net-worth individuals from other provinces like Gauteng, so your property likely won't be on the market for very long. In fact, if you get in touch with us about wanting to sell your property, there's a high probability we may already have a buyer lined up!

Future Development Prospects: It was recently announced that the V&A Waterfront has plans for a R20 billion expansion in the Granger Bay precinct, which is set to add almost an entirely new area to the Atlantic Seaboard. This should bring even more interest to the area and will likely provide a large number of new property investment opportunities. So, if you need to free up some capital, selling now will give you a great opportunity to explore further opportunities in the Atlantic Seaboard later down the line.

If you currently own a property in the Atlantic Seaboard, then you've been provided with a golden opportunity that most sellers could only dream of. The region is currently a major property hotspot and is receiving selling prices we've never seen before.

So, if you're looking to sell your Atlantic Seaboard property, get in touch with us.

21 Jan 2025
Author Seeff Atlantic Seaboard & City Bowl
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