New Seeff Agent, Carol Drepaniotis, Makes Waves in the City Bowl

35 years ago, Carol Drepaniotis wouldn't have dreamed that she'd be selling some of the best property in Cape Town. 

But here we are, and this former CEO and MD has taken to the industry like a duck to water, or the Greenpoint Park pond as it were.

As a founder and manager of John Dore Flooring, she knows a bit about determination, people skills, and grit - not to mention flooring - the successful trade of the aforementioned franchise. 

Along with building a thriving empire, Carol and her husband took a keen interest in property development - a passion that only grew for Carol.

After the successful sale of John Dore, she took a short sabbatical. It was during this time of clarity and refocusing that she came to realise that property - always something she'd been involved in developing  - was a passion she wished to pursue with earnest.

"Wanting to stay in the business and share my love and knowledge of the property industry, I decided to join an estate agency and was recommended to join Seeff who are the leaders," said Carol.

As a cream of the crop businesswoman, Carol would've had her pick of the property agencies. So what made Seeff stand out to her in particular? Carol answers: "I was advised by a previous Seeff agent in Pretoria that Seeff has the same drive and culture of hard work I valued. That sounded like a perfect match."

More than that, it was the fact that after all these years, Seeff is still essentially a family-run business, combining clout with personalization. "It's great that Samuel Seeff is hands-on, not only with the team but very much in the market too. I think this is also wonderful to know as a client. You know that your investment is taken seriously which should make you feel secure."

Carol specialises in property in the CBD. When asked what she loves about Cape Town, she is quick to answer. "The City Bowl has a magical feel to it! An old-time charm, with views you can't help but fall in love with. You have the international feel of Europe, the convenience of some incredible shopping and the seaside at your doorstep."

In terms of property trends she's noticed, she emphasises that convenience and making a home very comfortable is key. "With more and more people living and working from their homes, a place needs to be set up for work and play in one space."

And this is exactly the kind of different service that Carol hopes to provide for her clients. "I aim to creatively sell not only a house but a lifestyle for my buyers."

When Carol isn't matching buyers and sellers to their dream homes, she enjoys line dancing and reads, adding that she loves her home and sea view. "I love the rain, and I have the most amazing view of the ocean... Just being able to sit and look at this gives you a sense of a mystical and cosy feeling."

We have no doubt that Carol's journey with Seeff is going to be nothing short of spectacular. This self-confessed driven and organised powerhouse woman is people-centric and knows what it takes to succeed. "I am customer-focused, honest in all aspects and give my clients my full attention when it comes to their needs. I believe that clients don't only buy your time, but your respect too."

To get in touch with Carol, you can email her at carol.drepaniotis@seeff.com or call her on 083 459 0185. 

22 Apr 2021
Author Seeff Atlantic Seaboard & City Bowl
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